I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000

Price of services

More comfort
  • Fast accommodation
  • Spacious rooms with all the amenities
  • Set of additional services

Additional comfort and related services, which are tailored based on the individuals needs and condition of the patient, primarily focus on health promotion and improvement of the patient’s well-being, while allowing us to ensure a comfortable stay

These services are what you are looking for, if:

  • you need a fast accommodation solution
  • you have a referral for nursing and supportive treatment services
  • you are entitled to nursing and supportive treatment services compensated by the funds of the CHIF, but you want to receive additional services on your own initiative
  • there is a lack of knowledge on how to properly care for a patient and/or you do not have a possibility to do so at home

This is the main and most frequently chosen offer of comfort services.

Prices of services
More comfort More comfort
Nursing without limits
  • Fast accommodation
  • Spacious rooms with all the amenities
  • Set of additional services
  • 24/7 care and treatment for an unlimited period of time

Nursing, supportive treatment and additional comfort services, which are tailored based on the individual needs and condition of the patient, primarily focus on health promotion and improvement of the patient’s well-being.

These services are what you are looking for, if:

  • you need a fast accommodation solution
  • you don’t have a referral for nursing and supportive treatment services
  • you are not entitled to nursing and supportive treatment services compensated by the funds of the CHIF
  • there is a lack of knowledge on how to properly care for a patient and/or you do not have a possibility to do so at home
Prices of services
Nursing without limits Nursing without limits
Rest and health promotion
  • Short-term accommodation
  • 24/7 care and treatment
  • Intensive health promotion
  • An opportunity to take a break from nursing your loved ones at home

Taking care of your loved ones at home is an extremely responsible and often wearing duty, therefore we have created an optimal set of nursing, supportive treatment and comfort services, while taking into account the extent of your responsibilities, but also emphasizing the importance of taking care of your own health

These services are what you are looking for, if:

  • you want to take a break from intensive nursing at home
  • you are going on vacation and have no one to entrust your loved one with
  • you have some important plants that will limit your time with the person you are taking care of
  • you want your loved ones to improve their health in a short period of time
Prices of services
Rest and health promotion Rest and health promotion
Other additional services
  • Possibility to use the benefits of the wellness centre
  • Greater comfort for you and the patient
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