I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000

New and modern home for the elderly!

We are open!
See the new standard for seniors’ homes in Lithuania

We currently have rooms available

More privacy
More privacy

More privacy

In our care home, residents will be accommodated only in single or double rooms. The ability to maintain personal space and ensure privacy is one of our priorities.

Wide range of wellness services
Wide range of wellness services

Wide range of wellness services

Our residents are assisted by a wide range of rehabilitation specialists: physiotherapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists and others. We ensure that residents are able to enjoy targeted rehabilitation procedures.

Professional environment for people with dementia
Professional environment for people with dementia

Professional environment for people with dementia

A separate space for residents with dementia with a professionally adapted environment: differently labeled rooms, special flooring, etc.

Encouragement of independence and social connections
Encouragement of independence and social connections

Encouragement of independence and social connections

The support team makes sure that everyone has a good time, pursues their hobby, makes new friends, participates in community events and remains an important part of society.

Antanas Vinkus

I have repeatedly visited my relatives who were staying at your institution. My own experience and the feedback of patients, who are currently undergoing treatment, or their relatives emphasize the good order and cleanliness maintained in the institution. Nurses are always sympathetic and warm-hearted towards the patients and, of course, take good care of them. They help patients overcome the disease, inspire them as well as give them faith and hope. The work of the nurses is positively reviewed by the relatives of the patients. I sincerely thank you for your love towards a sick person, for your dedication and for your compassionate treatment of those suffering.


Jolanta Baltrūnaitė

Two wonderful nurses Nijolė and Emilja work at the 4th floor of “Gemma” nursing centre. We are extremely grateful for their honest work, for taking care not only of the patients’ bodies, but also their souls. We are thankful for the opportunity to be treated with dignity even in case of a difficult situation. Humanity is far more important than money.


Vydas Dolinskas

Employees of “Gemma” nursing centre are simply amazing, because they have to be very strong both physically and psychologically as well as have a good knowledge of medicine. “Gemma” is an institution where all these aspects are fulfilled at a very high level. There is a variety of patients and the employees are always ready to help everyone with a smile. I want to wish all the employees of the nursing centre patience, strength and health. Your work is very important and requires a lot of responsibility. Many families consider you to be their supporting pillar.


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