I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000

What are nursing and supportive treatment services intended for?

When it becomes too difficult to take care of yourself or your loved ones, it is best to ask for professional help.

Our nursing centre welcomes patients of all ages and conditions from all over Lithuania and abroad. 24/7 services include treatment, nursing, other health maintenance services or measures for patients with chronic diseases. We also provide services for disabled persons and other guests, when there is a definite diagnosis established, the active treatment is not required and the medical rehabilitation cannot be applied due to a person’s health condition. Such services are provided in order to maintain individual physical activity and, if possible, the functional capacity of the body

What are nursing and supportive treatment services intended for?

Individual attention paid to every resident

Our nursing centre is an innovative and modern health care institution, where special attention is paid to the individual needs of the patients and their relatives. In order to ensure the maximum comfort and high-quality health care services our professional and dedicated employees take good care of all our patients, despite the complexity of their diseases. An individual treatment and care plan is prepared for each patient. Such plan includes: nursing and supportive treatment services, laboratory tests and other examinations, necessary rehabilitation procedures, occupational therapy, etc.

Decision regarding nursing and supportive treatment services

Nursing and supportive treatment services are required:

  • after the treatment and nursing at the patient’s home, when the outpatient care is ineffective;
  • in cases of prolonged illnesses and conditions when an active inpatient treatment is not required and medical rehabilitation is contraindicated;
  • after a brain surgery or other illnesses, when an early medical rehabilitation is not possible;
  • when a radical treatment cannot be applied for objective reasons;
  • after medical rehabilitation, when there is no change in the degree of impairment of the patient’s biosocial functions, but there are indications for symptomatic treatment and nursing;
  • in case of negative effects of injuries, poisoning and other external causes, when medical rehabilitation is contraindicated.
What are nursing and supportive treatment services intended for?

Indications for the provision of nursing and supportive treatment services

  • Malignant and benign tumours, when symptomatic treatment is applied for certain symptoms
  • Bedsores, trophic ulcers
  • Conditions after non-traumatic limb amputations
  • Conditions after fractures of the lumbar spine and pelvis as well as injuries of the limbs or other areas of the body
  • Negative effects of injuries, poisoning or other external causes
  • Nervous system diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases, except for acute conditions
  • Respiratory diseases, in case of chronic respiratory failure
  • Complicated diabetes or other endocrine disorders
  • Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
  • Widespread, unspecified atherosclerosis
  • Chronic liver diseases
  • Chronic digestive diseases
  • Chronic kidney diseases
What are nursing and supportive treatment services intended for?
Don't know where to start? Let’s talk

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We will help you answer all your questions and find the best solution.

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