I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000

Basic care services

Gemma care home “Vievio namai” offers a comprehensive range of services, including long-term care, social support, healthcare, nursing and hygiene assistance, catering, household services, occupational activities, leisure and entertainment organisation, as well as spiritual and cultural services

Basic care services

Health care and nursing services

  • We offer primary healthcare services.
  • We arrange for the services of medical specialists as required.
  • We facilitate residents’ hospitalization based on doctors’ recommendations.
  • We supply prescribed medications, nursing care products, necessary assistive devices, and technical support equipment for individuals with disabilities (such as crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.).

Recreational services

  • We celebrate both national and major religious holidays, as well as residents’ birthdays.
  • Every day, we arrange various activities for our residents, including painting, handicrafts, and more.
  • We also coordinate cultural event at “Vievio namai” and organise trips outside our facilities.
Basic care services
Basic care services

Household and personal hygiene services

  • Room cleaning.
  • Changing bed linens and towels.
  • Laundry service.
  • Indoor and outdoor maintenance.
  • Supplying essential personal hygiene products.
  • We offer haircuts, nail cutting, and beard shaving services.
  • For residents with special needs, we provide personalized personal hygiene support services, including body care procedures and assistance with bathing, on an individual basis.

Social services

  • We offer information about social care and other services available in our nursing homes.
  • We tailor social work to align with each resident’s individual social care plan.
  • We provide support and enhancement of daily life skills, including assistance with managing personal finances, shopping, personal hygiene, household chores, communication, and more.
  • We act as intermediaries for residents in maintaining contact with their relatives and institutions, advocating for residents’ interests in various institutional matters.
  • We consult, analyze problematic nursing or social situations together with the resident and his relatives, and look for effective ways to solve them.
Basic care services
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We will help you answer all your questions and find the best solution.

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