I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000

Nursing without limits

Paid nursing, supportive treatment and comfort services

Here you can receive not only the highest quality nursing and supportive treatment services, but also additional services tailored based on the individual needs and conditions of each patient, while focusing on health promotions and improvement of the patient’s well being. Our team of motivated and dedicated professional can ensure effective health care (nursing and supportive treatment) services offer a higher level of comfort, the necessary facilities and a wide range of additional wellness and rehabilitation services, provided by the specialists of “Gemma” wellness centre located under the same roof.

Prices of services: Mini Midi Maxi
Duration Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Nursing and supportive treatment services (24/7 health care services)
Rooms Spacious double room Single room Spacious single room
Amenities Functional beds, TV, Wi-Fi, changing the sheets and towels, water, tea, etc., security, room cleaning, etc. Functional beds, TV, Wi-Fi, changing the sheets and towels, water, tea, etc., security, room cleaning, etc. Functional beds, TV, Wi-Fi, changing the sheets and towels, water, tea, etc., security, room cleaning, etc.
Items Unlimited personal hygiene and necessary medical care products (adult diapers, etc.), professional assistance in body care, feeding (as needed), etc. Unlimited personal hygiene and necessary medical care products (adult diapers, etc.), professional assistance in body care, feeding (as needed), etc. Unlimited personal hygiene and necessary medical care products (adult diapers, etc.), professional assistance in body care, feeding (as needed), etc.
Improved food menu
Unlimited additional examinations (upon the decision of the patient or relatives after consulting the treating doctor)
Consultation with a physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor (upon the decision of the patient or relatives after consulting the treating doctor)
Additional wellness and rehabilitation services: kinesiotherapy 1 time/ week 2 time/ week 3 time/ week
Additional wellness and rehabilitation services: physiotherapy 1 time/ week 1 time/ week 1 time/ week
Additional wellness and rehabilitation services: massage (can be exchanged for additional occupational therapy sessions) 1 time/ week 2 time/ week
Additional occupational therapy sessions or aromatherapy (can be exchanged for additional massage services) 2 time/ week 2 time/ week 3 time/ week
Free transportation, services of accompanying person 1 time/month 2 times/month
Other paid services (provided in the price list of “Gemma sveikatos centras” UAB)
85 € / day 100 € / day 115 € / day


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More comfort

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Rest and health promotion

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