I-IV 9:00-19:00, V 9:00-18:00

+370 663 00 000
Name of the service Price
Individual physical therapy session (1 session)

29.00 €

Individual physical therapy session (10 sessions)

260.00 €

Occupational therapy (1 session)

29.00 €

Occupational therapy (10 sessions)

260.00 €

Massage (1 session)

29.00 €

Massage (10 sessions)

260.00 €

Family doctor's consultation

55.00 €

Psychologist consultation

60.00 €

Speech therapist consultation

45.00 €

Individual care by a nursing assistant (1 hour)

30.00 €

Transportation of the resident

65.00 €

Individual care by a general practice nurse (1 hour)

50.00 €

Services of an accompanying person (1 hour)

30.00 €

Transportation of the resident to a treatment facility

65.00 €

Contract administration fee

100.00 €

Preparation of documents

100.00 €

Go3 (TV+Films+Sport), month

26.00 €

Other services

More comfort

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Nursing without limits

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Rest and health promotion

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Other additional services

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